Website Content Protection
What is copyright?
Copyright is a legal concept that grants exclusive rights to creators and owners of original creative works. It protects intellectual property like literature, art, music, and software. These rights allow copyright holders to control the reproduction, distribution, display, and performance of their work. Copyright promotes creativity by incentivizing creators and enabling them to benefit from their creations. It automatically applies upon creation and typically lasts the creator’s lifetime plus a designated period. Copyright doesn’t protect ideas, only their tangible expression. Fair use provisions permit limited use of copyrighted materials for specific purposes like criticism or education. Enforcing copyright is crucial in the digital age to combat unauthorized copying and distribution. Copyright plays a vital role in protecting creators’ rights and fostering a thriving creative landscape.

Why content protection?
Using a copyright protection service for site owners offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it safeguards your intellectual property from unauthorized use and plagiarism, preserving its exclusivity and value. Secondly, Sidenty utilizes advanced technologies to detect copyright infringements promptly, minimizing potential damages. Moreover, relying on their expertise saves you time and resources, as they handle the enforcement process efficiently. By partnering with Sidenty, you demonstrate a commitment to upholding the rights of content creators and fostering a culture of respect for intellectual property. Overall, employing a copyright protection service ensures comprehensive protection, enhances your online presence, and contributes to a thriving digital landscape.
Protect your content now!
When it comes to protecting images and videos online, choosing us as your content protection company is the best decision for site owners. Our 24/7 active monitoring ensures constant vigilance over your visual content, leaving no room for unauthorized use or distribution.
One of our standout features is our team of experienced legal advisers. These experts possess an in-depth understanding of copyright law and intellectual property protection. They work tirelessly to detect any illegal copies of your images or videos circulating on the internet.
We take immediate and decisive action upon identifying copyright infringements. Whether it’s removing the infringing content or pursuing legal measures, we are committed to safeguarding your creative work. By swiftly addressing infringements, we ensure that your images and videos remain secure and that the value of your intellectual property is upheld.

We work with reports, this means you receive a weekly report (monthly contract only) or a monthly report (for one time clients) where you can see all of the content that has been detected and submitted to get removed.
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Software Protection - Pricing
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Weekly removals
Removals on search engines
1 report every month
Official takedowns
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Weekly removals
Removals on search engines and social media
2 reports every month
Official takedowns
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Daily removals
Removals on search engines, file hostings, social media and streaming sites
Weekly report
Official takedowns
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